The Phoenix Theatre

„The Phoenix Theatre“erstmals zu Besuch an der Realschule Dreiländereck

Das war ein voller Erfolg – die Schülerinnen und Schüler der sechsten und siebten Klassen durften das unterhaltsame englischsprachige Musical „The Banana Gang“ in der Aula erleben! Die Theatergruppe „The Phoenix Theatre“ nahm uns alle mit in die abenteuerliche Welt der Kriminellen und Detektive der 1920er Jahre. Dabei versuchten die Kinder aktiv, dem Detektiv „Dick Pacey“ bei der Jagd auf den bösen Gangster „The Boss“ zu helfen – alles auf Englisch natürlich. Durch ihre Mithilfe siegte am Ende glücklicherweise das Gute und es gab ein Happy End! So waren die Kinder selbst Teil des Schauspiels und die Fremdsprache Englisch erschien für einige Stunden gar nicht mehr so fremd. Die Kinder fieberten mit, klatschten und hatten viel zu lachen. Das war für alle eine ganz tolle Art und Weise, die englische Sprache zu erleben!

Auch die älteren Schülerinnen und Schüler der achten bis zehnten Klassen erlebten die englische Sprache live vor Ort. Das Phoenix Theatre führte für sie das Theaterstück „Furious Games“ vor. In diesem wesentlich ernsteren Stück ging es um das schwierige Thema psychische Gesundheit, was von dem professionellen Schauspielteam einfühlsam und mitreißend präsentiert wurde.

Anschließend an beide Theaterstücke stellten die Schülerinnen und Schüler sehr interessiert ihre Fragen zum Stück und zu den Schauspielern. Das war eine tolle Gelegenheit, die englische Sprache in einer authentischen Gesprächssituation zu erleben.

Ein großes Dankeschön geht an das Phoenix Theatre, das an diesem Tag die beiden Theaterstücke auf unterhaltsame und lehrreiche Weise an der Realschule Dreiländereck präsentiert hat.

J. Winter

Pupils‘ reviews…

Who’s to blame? Computer games, films, parents, society or the educations system? The play serves as a perfect opportunity to start discussions in the classroom, to reflect, learn and listen to each other. Written and performed in intermediate English this theatre play is extremely suitable for a wide range of different age groups…

In this play the action with pistols and mental disease were clearly presented. I think the play is really good, you can see what it is about and I felt captured during the whole play.

I highly recommend the play, especially for children aged 11-13 years.

It was a bold decision that the school showed us this play and it was a wonderful experience!

Ekin – 8b

I would really recommend this theatre play to other classes and would suggest engaging the actors every year because the money was really worth it!

Rawan – 10d

What a really good play – I really enjoyed it. The two professional actors from the ‘Poenix Theatre Group’ in England did an excellent job. The topics discussed in the play were well chosen and very important for people at our age. I think it ended pretty abruptly, but still; I would definitely watch it again – what an awesome experience!

It was ‘easy’ English and I understood almost everything.

Paula – 10d

Many young people feel neglected by their parents. Also, they have lots of problems at school or regarding their relationships. They then try to talk to heir parents, but they usually have their own problems.

I loved the play – but I think the ending was too abrupt for this big issue.

Alessia – 10d

What a great show – and so easy to understand! The actors were impressive because the emotions they showed looked very real! Thanx!

Anton – 10d

When the theatre play was announced and I heard we were supposed to go there I thought: ‘Why do are we forced to go there? It will be boring like any other theatre play!’

But once it started it wasn’t boring, on the contrary, it was funny and the topic was also very well chosen. In my opinion the rating should be 10/10.

Maxim – 8b

To sum up, the story consists of a boy that goes to school and asks a girt out because he likes her. That’s when everything starts. The kids at his school start to bully him and call him ‘loser’. He starts to struggle with metal health problems.

His mother doesn’t care about him and doesn’t listen to him as she should have done. After a while he is going home from school when he meets an old lady. The old woman notices that there is something wrong with him and that he is upset. The boy boy meets the old lady many times from now on and his life starts to change. She helps him a lot while discussing with him.

His mother finally tries to be a good mom and listens to him and he also changes school. So his classmates don’t bully him anymore.

In the end he is happier and his life turns for the better.

Zaira – 8b

The topic of the play was mental health. A boy is bullied in school especially by a girl he likes. His teachers complain that he never does his homework.

The boy is also stressed because his parents complain too about his behavior. In their opinion he plays too many video games and doesn’t work for school.

He tries to talk to his mother but she never listens to him.

In some scenes the actors recreate a talk show to which they invite guests. They talk about mental health.

One day the boy is so stressed that he takes a gun. But he quickly realizes what he is holding in his hands and throws it away.

Afterwards at a bus stop he meets an older lady; she starts to talk to him. He starts to talk to her – that finally helps!

In the end his mother listens to him and the boy is happy again.

Anouk – 8b

The Phoenix Theatre was invited to play for us (8th-10th graders) the play ‘Furious Games’. The question during the play is: What causes rampages? John loves plying gun-video games. His parents don’t really pay attention to him. Especially his mom. That affects John. One day he asks his crush out at school. But she rejects him and says some harsh words. That is when John gets physically and grabs her, because he can’t handle the situation. Fortunately, John stops himself from doing something bad. After this incident he has a hurting pain in his head and starts hearing negative voices in his head. Time to time he gets more aggressive and pulls out a gun. There is where it stops, John searches help and tries to make his mother understand. Now he goes to therapy and is much happier. It’s a better life.

In my opinion this play is acted really well by the actors and you could easily interpret the situation. They did a fantastic job!

Finally, we can answer the question: Rampages aren’t caused through video games but originate from mental illnesses!

Valentina – 8b